Conference on Academic Life and Forest Genetics in America

Organized in cooperation with Çankırı Karatekin University Faculty of Forestry and Turkish Foresters Association, the conference was held on 18.12.2024, where our esteemed professor Prof. Dr. Fikret Işık, a faculty member of North Caroline State University, who has successfully represented our country abroad and has carried out pioneering studies in the field of plant breeding, shared his experiences and genetic studies on forest trees with our students.

Işık, who won the US Department of Agriculture Achievement Award with his studies, received the `University Faculty Scholar` award given to prominent scientists from his university, was awarded the prestigious `United States Fulbright Scholar` award in 2023, gave graduate courses in South Africa with Fulbright support, and received invitations to give graduate courses and conferences in many countries due to his expertise in quantitative genetics, attracted great interest from students and faculty members.

Release date: 19 Aralık 2024 Perşembe
Date of update: 23 Aralık 2024 Pazartesi