The third of the `Forest Games Olympiad` organized by the Turkish Foresters Association (TOD) since 2022 was held in Yumrukaya Village, Bolu between 19-21 July 2024.
110 students from 11 forestry faculties participated in the competitions organized to improve relations between students of forestry faculties, to introduce students to their future colleagues and to make this process traditional by carrying out this process in a sportive, fun and solidarity. In the Olympiad, students competed in groups in log rolling, plant recognition, stacking, age ring counting and log cutting games. As a result of the competitions, Bartın University Faculty of Forestry won the first place. The students of our faculty completed the olympiads in 5th place.
Representing our Faculty to the competition, Dr. Gamze Tuttu, Ayşe Gizem Kılınçay (Captain), Sude Nur Köse, Kerziban Yedekçi, Betül Erdoğan, Yusuf Can Kulaz, Melih Hakan Alpsar and Muhammet Ali Uyumaz participated in the competition. Congratulations to our students who participated in the 3rd Forest Games Olympiad.